The Gaitherin Place


Over the last few months PCDT members have been working to re-fit the former dress shop at 7 Main Street Portpatrick, to bring it into community use as a Community Resource Centre. We have agreed a long term lease with the owners and a specification for the re-fit. The work has involved strip out of the old shop fittings, re-wiring, replumbing re-painting and new flooring throughout. We are delighted with the support of donations of materials, equipment and fittings received from local businesses with particular thanks to:

  • Anderson’s
  • Brush Strokes
  • Howden’s
  • Plumb Centre
  • RS Windows
  • Stranraer Carpet Co.
  • Travis Perkins

And to local people ( A&S MacLeod, D Higgins, G McKee) for donations of material and equipment. All work has been done under covid-19 restrictions and in view of these continuing restrictions we will be having a “virtual” opening. In the short term the “Gaitherin Place” will be used to provide a range of support services and due to covid restrictions this will be on a 1 to 1 appointment basis. This will be a continuation of the work we have been doing to provide advocacy, sign-posting and a listening ear service. As restrictions ease we will be able to open up more and provide a range of services and activities.