We are pleased to report on the Special Board Meeting of the 29th March 2021, held to consider the members ballot on the legal form and constitution of the PCDT. Under the current Covid-19 restrictions this was an online virtual meeting to formally review the Board’s, recommendation to members that PCDT seek charity status, by converting to a Scottish Charity Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) and the subsequent ballot of members. It was noted that the membership notice and papers had been served on the 13th March 2021 by email and newsletter. The same information was also posted on our website with the opportunity to vote by paper or web site form.
Votes Received 24. Votes for the proposal 24. Votes against 0
A voting record has been placed in the company documents.
In consideration of the Boards’ recommendation to members and receipt of the members votes. The following resolution was passed in accordance with the Company’s Memorandum and Articles of Association:
We propose that following the unanimous vote by members of PCDT agreeing with the Board’s recommendation of 13th March 2021, the Board proceed to conversion to a Scottish Charity Incorporated Organisation (SCIO). Proposed by T Monteith and seconded Alex Palmer. The resolution has been entered in the register of company resolutions and the Board shall proceed accordingly.