With the completion of the Portpatrick Skiff, we are now moving forward with the conversion of the work place to Buddies Bothy.
A community workshop on the men’s shed model but open to both men and woman. The lower floor will be a workshop space to deliver community projects while the upper floor will be more oriented to a community arts studio. This together with the existing facility will allow us to offer much more support to small community groups to get involved with hobbies and social interaction combating loneliness social isolation and re integration.
The building badly needs repair and increase in security in the first instance, with a more detailed upgrade to the interior and exterior areas. We have a group of volunteers who will largely provide the labour required, This in itself is a project bringing men together and delivers an project that offers extremely good value for money. The doors need to be replaced. We have already removed an old unsafe outbuilding. The project will include:
• New stairs to the upper floor,
• New doors
• Repairs to roof and new guttering and downpipes
• Exterior landscaping
• New windows,
• Rewiring and and its own utility meter
• New water supply
This project will follow the successful Gaitherin Place model , with most work completed
by volunteer labour.
The project will be run as a PCDT sponsored project.
We have secured capital funding to secure and refit Buddies Bothy including putting in a
suitable stair, some roof repairs and re-wiring to an appropriate standard.