We have been asked to publicise the help available to fishermen and their families during these difficult times.
You can go direct to www.fishermensmission.org.uk or contact Grant through the link below.
Hi, My name is is Grant Wilson and I work as Port Officer for a fishermen’s charity and am the representative for the Solway Coast. I would like to use this newsletter to introduce ‘The Fishermen’s Mission’ and explain what we do and what we have to offer to fishermen and their families during these difficult times.
The main aspects of our work are:
- Rescued at sea, involved in an accident or taken ill while fishing;whatever crisis fishermen face, our port staff provide vital emergency response services to the injured and shipwrecked.
- When fishermen and their families hit tough times, we provide a wealth of practical support; Immediate financial assistance towards rent, food, utility bills, school dinners or school uniform.
- As an ecumenical charity the Fishermen’s Mission maintains a positive, loyal, and trusted Christian presence in our fishing communities: We offer practical and pastoral help.
If you need the Mission to respond to an emergency, need immediate financial assistance, require emotional support, or simply want a blether because you are are stuck at home then please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Emergency : please call 0800 634 1020.
Call Grant : 07774 115412
Email : Grantwilson@Fishermensmission.org.uk Facebook ; Westscotlandfishmish