A Plan for Repair, Renewal & Regeneration.
The plan for the Hall that we submitted as part of out Stage 2 Asset Transfer request is available for down-load below. As you will see from this business plan our proposals were for the development of a vibrant and active Community Hub delivering a wide range of real and lasting Community Benefits, including:
- Arts and Culture
- Sport and recreation
- Health and Well-being
- History and Heritage
- Economic Development
- Environmental Improvement
The business plan is about developing a successful and sustainable Community Hub, a place where groups can come together, a facility for all community groups and a vehicle for delivering value and empowering community activity. Vision
Outline Plan in support of Management Lease 2023
In 2022 we prepared an updated plan in support of our EoI for a management lease of the hall. At this stage we recognised that an revised Asset transfer bid would not be in our or the D&G Council best interests. The cautious approach was to take over a management lease and work with the Council and other groups to establish a full business case and financially viable business plan, ( if this could be done). This is where we are now.