There is much that communities can do to support each other and support a more cohesive and inclusive recovery post covid. At PCDT we are looking to build on the achievements of this last year, supporting unincorporated groups and bringing together those with common interests. “The Gaithern Place ” is nearing completion and we look forward to developing this community resource.
Loneliness, social isolation, money worries and access to social and medical services remain issues for many in our community.

In the short term the “Gaitherin Place” will be used to provide a base for our resilience and recovery support services and this will be on a 1 to 1 appointment basis.
We will be continuing the work we have been doing to provide advocacy, sign-posting and a listening ear service, as well as more immediate aid for those who are vulnerable and shielding.
With the refit and renovation work now complete we are now looking to kit out the space. The idea is to make this area welcoming and cosy, but flexible for a number of uses with stackable chairs and folding tables.
Looking Forward
As restrictions ease we will be able to open up more and provide a wider range of services and activities to support economic and social recovery. The Gaitherin Place provides a small easily accessible space that can be used for a wide range of small social groups and special interest activities. Once we get through the immediate infection risks, with the roll-out of the vaccines and as lock down eases, we believe that there will be increased demand for social and community interaction. Mental health and physical wellbeing are priorities.
The Gaitherin Place will provide opportunity for social interaction, meeting and chatting with like minded individuals and forming new friendships. There are many possibilities from book and bridge clubs to more strenuous exercise like gardening, jogging or climbing. Why don’t you drop us a email, if you have a hobby or interest that you would like to see represented.

At present we are looking for donations of suitable furniture, books , dvd’s and games for a small community library. Drop in to see if there is anything of interest.