
Community Hub Structure

Proposed Structure

To make a community asset transfer request, the organisation needs to be a “community transfer body”. (In this instance the PCDT). PCDT is owned and operated by it members. PCDT is legally incorporated this means that it is legally a single body rather than just a group of volunteer individuals. This provides a legal structure for owning the asset on behalf of the community. This means that Hall will remain a community asset even if the executive team changes.
A development trust is a community-owned and led organisation, working to combine community-led action with an enterprising approach to address and tackle local needs and issues. The aim of a development trust is to create social, economic and environmental renewal in a well-defined geographical area, creating wealth within that area and keeping it there!
As has been described in the section on the PCDT itself the directors are responsible to the members. PCDT can engage with professional support organisiations and engage professional services. As a development trust can operate a bank account and take on liabilities (such as debt financing and insurance premiums.) it can also trade( to buy the services needed for operations of the Hall such as electricity and waste management services) . PCDT has to prepare audited accounts and is bound by company law and th e published articles of association.
It is a non-profit distributing organsation and neither directors nor members can directly benefit finacially in any way. The company can however employ staff, own assets and purchase services. As a Development Trust PCDT has members not shareholders and cannot declare a dividend. However as a legal entity it can make profit, but these profits can be held for community benefit and need to be distributed to the community (through sponsorship of community based projects) that the development trust serves.

The Community Hub Management Group

The Community Hub will be a separate project under PCDT. It will have its own Community Hub Management Team. This team will comprise the PCDT executive team together with a volunteer group made up of active PCDT members and representatives of the partner groups and hall users. It is envisaged that the composition of this group will vary and change with time as community hub projects are developed and delivered. The Community Hub will be outward looking and will engage with a wide range of community interests.
We feel that it is important that Community Hub projects are co-produced and co-developed in consultation with the community groups and partner organisations rather than a top-down management. This proposed structure facilitates this approach.