Membership Application

You are invited to apply to become a member of Portpatrick Community Development Trust (PCDT).  PCDT is a membership organisation open to those individuals, groups and organisations with an interest in the future of Portpatrick. that share our values and support our aims and objectives.

    If applying as Ordinary member:

    Data Protection

    Code of Conduct

    Code of Conduct of members

    Postcodes for Full membership

    Under construction.

    Legal bit:
    1. Portpatrick Community Development Trust is a company limited by guarantee. Your liability as a
    member is limited to a maximum of £1.00 should the company fail. Company SC 611 849
    2. You agree to your name address postcode and if supplied email address being held on the register of
    members. (see appendix for details of data protection.)
    3. If an email address is supplied, you agree to receive communication from PCDT by email.
    4. Membership applications will be considered at the next meeting of the Board of Directors.

    Privacy Policy