What is the PCDT?
Portpatrick Community Development Trust is a community-based organisation that exists solely for the benefit of the Community in which it operates. The legal form is a company limited by guarantee which is registered at Companies House ( SC 611849) . It has been set up as a “not for profit Community Trust” . PCDT’s aims and objectives include the provision of social and community facilities, supporting local environment initiatives, supporting local heritage and cultural improvements, youth development and providing support to local people, groups and businesses.
Governance – How is it controlled?
PCDT is controlled by its governing document registered at Companies House. This sets out he constitution, the objectives of the organisation, membership criteria, and what directors can and cannot do. The full document can be downloaded below.
PCDT is owned by it members, but these are not shareholders. Any revenue generated by the company must used to further it s aims and used to undertake community projects. There are no shareholders and no profits can be distributed to either members or Directors.
Why should I join?
Joining as a member of PCDT is a way of influencing and supporting PCDT aims and work – to make Portpatrick and the surrounding area of the Rhins a better place for residents, business and visitors alike.
Why a Development Trust?
A development trust is a community-owned and led organisation, working to combine community-led action with an enterprising approach to social issues to address and tackle local needs and issues. Development Trusts can be set up for a wide variety of social purposes, from single issues, like community asset transfer where the Trust is simply the legal vehicle to take own and operate an asset on behalf of the community or a wide range of community enterprises , seeking funds and running projects. The aim of a development trust is to create social, economic and environmental renewal in a well-defined geographical area, creating wealth for the community within that area and keeping it there.
What are PCDT aims?
Although formed to build the case for Community Asset Transfer of Portpatrick Hall – which you can read about here, simply bringing the Hall into community ownership without a plan of what to do with it was a bad idea. So we have been working to build membership, establish community need and develop projects to support out community. It has not all be plain sailing. There are some members of the community who appear to believe that a Development Trust is not a good idea, in general , and that PCDT in particular is not needed in Portpatrick.
Community Accountability
PCDT is owned and controlled by its members. The community is represented by membership and membership is open to any member of the community. The day to day running of PCDT is delegated to a Board of Directors and the Directors are answerable to the members. PCDT requires at least 20 members, of which at least 15 must be Full Community Members representing the community of Portpatrick. Only full members are entitled to vote at general meetings of PCDT. Under our Articles of Association we also permit Associate Members, these are persons or organisations who wish to support the work of the PCDT and support the aims and objectives of PCDT. By 22 August 2019 we had 50 full community members and 27 Associates and Supporters.
Why the delay from setting up to doing something?
Under Articles 31 of our governing document the directors may not conduct any business other than to ensure the admission of sufficient members to ensure the minimum membership requirements are met. This we did between October 2018 when the company was formed and March 2019 when the first meeting of members was formed. At that meeting the members agreed to put in a stage 1 Expression of Interest in the Village Hall to prevent immediate closure. D&G Council had noted that there was no progress and had intimated that the Hall might close before the new financial year in April 2019 as there had been no budget allocated to keep it open. See our Portpatrick Village Hall facts Checker for the full story.
Who can join?
Full members:
- are ordinarily resident in the community as defined by the postcode list.
- are registered to vote at a local government election in the poling district represented by the resident postcode.
- support the objectives and activities of PCDT
Associate members:
- Associate membership is open to individuals who are not ordinarily resident in the community as defined and to organisations and businesses that support the objectives and activities of the company.