
Below are some pages about the current projects that PCDT are developing or supporting.

Resilience and Recovery

tgp The Gaitherin Place

Portpatrick Coastal Rowing Group

Gardening Group

It  does not matter if you are a member or not, if you would like to become involved with one of our projects , would like to learn more or just fancy a chat then contact us  through this web site or our facebook page.

facebook : ,

email: or  simply chat to one of our board members.

Get Involved

Would you like to get involved in shaping our activities, delivering improvements in our local community or even just support our work?  

Did you know that PCDT is open to all individuals, organisations and businesses that support the objects and activities of the Trust.

Joining as a member of PCDT is a way of influencing, contributing and supporting PCDT’s aims and work, to make Portpatrick and the surrounding area a better place for residents, business and visitors alike.

Click here to apply to become a member or associate.